carrie chutney recipe


With the onset of summer, who doesn't like to eat foods made from carry and carry. So friends, today I am going to tell you how to prepare one such mango dish. Today we are going to learn how to make curry chutney. 


So let's know the process of making the curry chutney.

 Ingredients required for carrie chutney

1 carry, 2 tablespoons of bitter gourd, 5-6 garlic petals, 1 inch ginger, 2 large tomatoes, 1 onion, jaggery, 1 cup vinegar, 1 bowl of sugar, oil to boil, turmeric, asafoetida, mustard, cilantro and salt to taste


In the beginning, take out the curry peels and grind the tomatoes and onions finely and mix it with garlic, coriander seeds, bitter gourd, salt, jaggery and make it look thick. Take the chutney in a bowl and give it a good khamang burst and now your curry chutney is ready. 

Now you can eat this chutney with porridge.
